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CNC Machine

Robot Arm

June 28, 2013

The project was made using the most basic setup . A reciver and transmitter was

To download the arduino sketch:

To download the mobile application:

Persistence of vision is the phenomenon of the eye by which an after image is thought to persist for approximately one twenty-fifth of a second on theretina.

In this project we were to design a variable pitch propeller to be used in the marine market with specific initial statements of requirements to fulfil the market requirements both financially and practically. The propeller designed it to be used for small craft and inshore fishing boats. The design must achieve high reliability, robustness, easy building and assembly, and must easy to be maintained. However, unit cost is one of the main objectives for this design.

The key objective of this project is to design a Wien Bridge oscillator using PSpice software. The Wien bridge oscillator comprises an Op-Amp and a parallel and series RC feedback circuit.

The Wien Bridge is one of the simplest and best known oscillators and is used extensively in circuits for audio applications.

The whole purpose of this project was mainly focused on the creation of software via a coding language which would have the ability to control hardware that is to be used in real life applications

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